Downloadable Forms
New Patient Website Packet
Packet of New Patient Information Forms that includes:
- Patient / Family Information Form;
- HIPAA / Insurance / Acknowledgement;
- Medical History;
- Financial Policy;
- Transfer Request
NOTE: This form is fillable using Adobe Reader to complete, save, and then email. Using Apple Preview, Microsoft Reader, or other similar browser PDF plugins can result in the form being illegible.
This form will allow us to request and obtain medical records from your previous physician(s). Please be sure to include the fax number.
Use this form if you are leaving Parker Pediatrics as a patient and need to transfer your child’s care to a new medical provider.
- Our office policy is to transfer records one time to a new medical provider at no cost. If additional transfers are required, there is a $15 fee per child.
- Because other medical providers are not required to release any information we provide, it is our recommendation that parents request the information be released to them. The per child fee will apply, but then the records can be controlled by parents and provided to any additional providers as needed.
This form is also required any time information is requested to be released from a patient’s chart. Simply check the box indicated for “not transferring out.” For requests under 10 pages, there is no fee.
Authorization for Health Care of Minor Child
Care authorization letter to be completed by parents needing to authorize other people – grandparent, step parent, family friend, nanny, etc., to bring child(ren)to medical appointments.
Authorization for ROI Adult Patient
Form to be completed by patient (18 and older) giving permission to discuss or release protected health information pertaining to them to designated people
Sports Questionnaire – To be completed when requesting forms for all camp/athletic activities.
Tips and suggestions for helping to ensure your telemedecine visit is successful.
Use the following links to download the forms that are required to be reviewed and completed for initial mental health/behavioral appointments:
Dr Crystal Joy, PsyD
Authorization to Release Obtain Information
Document Instructions:
- Please save a copy of these forms to your computer before completing.
- These forms have been enabled for digital signatures, or the forms can be printed and signed manually.
- The completed forms can be:
- e-mailed to
- faxed to 303-841-3052
- mailed to the office at Parker Pediatrics & Adolescents | 10371 Parkglenn Way, Ste 100 | Parker, CO 80138
2024 Scholarship Deadline Date: CLOSED
Each year Parker Pediatrics & Adolescents awards a $500 scholarship to a graduating senior who plan to go into the healthcare field. Any high school graduating senior who is, or has been, a patient of ours may apply by completing and submitting an application by the deadline date shown above.
Completed forms can be returned to Parker Pediatrics & Adolescents via mail, fax, e-mail, or hand delivery to the office on or before the deadline. Winners will be announced the first week of May, 2024.
2024 Scholarship Application
NOTE: This form is fillable using Adobe Reader to complete, save, and then email. Using Apple Preview, Microsoft Reader, or other similar browser PDF plugins can result in the form being illegible.