Effective:  01/17/2022

    1. My child has been exposed to COVID-19 at school or an activity.  What do we do now?
      The CDC revised the quarantine guidelines in early 2022 to include the option to quarantine at home for 5 days followed by a return to school and activities on Day 6 so long as the individual is symptom-free and can wear a mask. The person exposed should remain vigilant in monitoring for any symptoms of illness within 14 days and be tested if any symptoms arise. Individual schools and daycare centers may have their own rules, so we would recommend checking with health personnel at your childcare setting before setting a plan.
    2. Does being vaccinated change my need to quarantine? Yes, if your child is fully vaccinated (2 weeks past the 2nd or 3rd dose – if a booster is indicated – of the Pfizer vaccine), then he/she may continue to participate in school and other activities with vigilant monitoring for symptoms. If your child is not vaccinated and there is a household exposure, most schools and daycare centers require the child to remain home for 5-10 days to monitor for symptoms. Some require a negative test in order to return. We are able to provide this testing in our office.
    3. We have all been sick at our house with a cold. One family member tested positive for COVID-19. Does everyone else need to be tested and do we all have to quarantine? In this case, it is likely that you all have the same illness. There is no need to test all family members. If you are sick, you should stay home. We would recommend that you isolate for a minimum of 5 days and until resolution of symptoms (i.e. if you are well on Day 6, you may exit isolation and wear a mask for 5 additional days – see #1).
    4. What can I do for my child who has tested positive for COVID-19? COVID-19 is a viral illness – most often respiratory in nature, although we have seen more sore throats lately. Symptomatic care is indicated. This includes using over-the-counter (OTC) medications like the ones usually used for cold/flu symptoms. Other medications and interventions are used only in hospitalized patients. We are closely following any new developments that would change our treatment plan in an outpatient setting. Monitor your child for any difficulty breathing, dehydration or chest pain. If any of these symptoms occur, please call our office for evaluation or go to the nearest  emergency room/emergency department if they are in distress.
      If you have COVID-19, you must isolate at home for a minimum of 5 days. If you are well on Day 6 and can wear a mask, you may return to activities. If your child is participating in sports, he/she will need a visit in our office for sports clearance.
    5. What does quarantine mean?  What does isolation mean?
      If someone is exposed to COVID-19 (particularly a household exposure in an unvaccinated person), they should quarantine at home for 5-10 days (See #1 above). This means not going to school, sports, restaurants, grocery stores, or other activities.  If the person is ill, please see #4.  If someone has COVID-19, they should isolate at home – this means remaining in their own space as much as possible with minimal contact with other family members.
    6. When can my child return to sports/activities after having COVID-19?
      See the explanation for #4 above. However, if your child had moderate to severe symptoms OR has continued chest pain or respiratory symptoms, they may need to be seen by a cardiologist for clearance. If your child needs a sports form signed and has had COVID-19, he/she will need an exam in our office to make sure he/she is ready to return to full activity.
    7. When should my child be seen if they woke up this morning with mild symptoms?
      We are happy to see your child anytime they are ill. However, it would be appropriate to treat them at home for mild symptoms without direct exposure and call us for an appointment if they do not improve in 2-3 days. During this time, your child should not attend school/daycare and should not participate in extracurricular activities. If your child has been exposed to COVID and is ill, we would recommend scheduling an appointment as soon as possible for evaluation.  We do appreciate your judicious use of our nurse advice line as they are very busy with calls regarding COVID exposures and quarantine protocols.
    8. What testing is done for COVID?
      Currently, we are offering both rapid antigen testing and PCR collection at our office for patients who are ill or exposed and request testing. We are also offering pre-travel testing pending test availability.